Blind Annotation Workflows

  • Install right-hand panel for webclient

omero config append omero.web.ui.right_plugins \
  '["PathViewer", "pathviewer/v2_rpp_init.js.html", "pathviewer"]'


Images must be in a Read-Annotate Group for the functionality to work as expected.

Blind Annotation Mode

To activate Blind Annotation Mode, select a dataset or image in OMERO.web and click on the “PathViewer” tab in the right-hand panel.

Once Blind Annotation Mode is activated for an image, all ROIs are hidden in PathViewer unless they are owned by current user.

Also, all ROI map annotations are hidden unless they are owned by current user.


ROIs and map annotations will still display and work as usual in other image viewers.

Guided Annotation Mode

To enable Guided Annotation Mode, select the “Show Owner’s shape annotations” checkbox before activating Blind Annotation Mode.

This will show ROIs owned by the image owner as well as ROI map annotations owned by image owner in PathViewer.

General Settings

Three additional checkboxes allow image information to be displayed or hidden in PathViewer:

  • Image name

  • Image description

  • Image map annotations


The settings apply to the selected image. Information about other images than the current image will be displayed in PathViewer based on the settings for those images, not the current image.


Image information will still display and work as usual in other image viewers.